Citazioni olimpiche

"Come nelle Olimpiadi sono incoronati non i più belli e i più forti, ma quelli che partecipano alla gara (e tra di essi infatti vi sono i vincitori), così nella vita chi agisce giustamente diviene partecipe del bello e del buono."


"I primati mondiali sono fatti per essere battuti, un oro olimpico resta per sempre."


"L'Olimpiade vince con gli sport poveri, ma vince anche con i campioni del superprofessionismo. L'Olimpiade è una parentesi tra le contraddizioni dello sport, viaggia tra le angustie e gli splendori del mondo, non maschera nulla, non ci fa dimenticare tragedie e ingiustizie, difende faticosamente valori. Benedetto sia chi la concepì e chi la fece rinascere. Nulla di più bello ho visto sgorgare dalla fantasia dell'uomo."


venerdì 27 giugno 2014

Vettori and Zaytsev talk about their fans



(I'm not so good at English: forgive me for all the mistakes that I've made!)

Interviewer: Two different personalities, physicalness and colours. One is tall, has brown hair, a lean body and an harmless smile. The other is blond, has fair eyes and a glance of someone who knows a lot about women.

Luca Vettori and Ivan Zaytsev, Italian volleyball players, find way into fans' heart that follow them. They are the most loved and the most admired. But what kind of relationship have they with the female fans?

Vettori: With the female fans? Well, their attention is surely appreciated, sometimes a little pressing, you know, after a match.. In every situation has to be attention and comprehension. We have to be good but fans have to be understandable, too.

Zaytsev: It's always good to have female fans, even if they're young women, because they start to be passionated about volley and they consider me a reference point. It's also a thing that proves I'm doing a good job.

Interviewer: What are the exaggerations made by their fans?

Vettori: On the Net there are many stupid things, but at the end they are enjoyable if you consider them not too seriously.
Even in my house in Piacenza some fans sometimes leave me some stuff..

Zaytsev: Except some fans that ask me a photo every time we meet, about two times a day, they make posters, signs on the car, notes everywhere, letters..but nothing exaggerated. 

Interwiever: How do they live with their image of beautiful and unattainable?

Vettori: I don't care much about this because of my personality. I like it, but it's a thing that fans think, not me.

Zaytsev: Well, in Rome there were some rumours, but I'm pretty calm now, I had got my head together. 

Interwiever: But Zaytsev wife (Ashling Sirocchi, ndr) is jealous of his special relationship with fans?

Zaytsev: Our love it's only a question between her and me, the passion showed by my fans is another thing.

Interwiever: Soccer and volleyball players are often compared. What does Luca Vettori think about it?

Vettori: They are shorter than us, so it's easy raising your voice when you're taller. The height is in favour of us (us = volleyball players, ndr). 

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